Sunday, May 17, 2020

Learning Theories - 1279 Words

Instructional Setting The teacher is teaching in a small country public school in Crane, Missouri. The class sizes are small, and there are approximately 45 students in each grade. Crane is a Pre-K-12 school, and all grades are on the same campus. The teacher teaches first grade with approximately 17 students in my class. The classroom that this student was in has the student sitting in small groups with centers all around the classroom. Some of the centers are word art, writing using the word wall, there is a reading center and a math center. The classroom has visual aids such as the word wall and picture cues to help the students with their writing. The student is eight years old. The student has already been retained†¦show more content†¦Another reason this is beneficial is the teacher is able to reflect on the lesson, and the teacher will become a better teacher form the reflection. They concentrate on immediate observable behaviors (Robler, 2003). W hen students demonstrate the desired situations the behaviorist reinforces the students (Robler, 2003). The Constructivist learning theory focuses on learning through experiences and hands on activities. Constructivists believe that students learn better by students learning the material themselves rather than learning the material from a teacher (Ertmer, Newby, 1993). Through personal experiences, when the teacher provides hands on activity the students have a better understanding of the material being learned. An example of this is if a teacher was teaching students about how much salt is left in the water from the sand run off the teacher would have the students put sand and salt on a cookie sheet. Then the students would pour water on the sheet as the cookie sheet is on a 45-degree angle. The teacher would then place the runoff on a bunsen burner. The teacher will give the students resources help them while they are setting their goals (Ertmer, Newby, 1993). The st udents in a constructivist classroom work in cooperative or collaborative learning groups (Ertmer, Newby, 1993). The students are assessed through authenticShow MoreRelatedLearning Theories : A Learning Theory1164 Words   |  5 Pages Learning theories video script 8) What is meant by learning theories? Learning theories are essentially explanations of how learning occurs represented through conceptual frameworks in order to explain changes in behaviour and how knowledge is absorbed, processed and retained during learning. The learning theory adopted during teaching as well as cognitive, emotional, environmental influences and prior experience, all play a part in: A change in individual’s knowledge Ability to perform a skillRead MoreLearning Theories Of Learning And Teaching Essay1128 Words   |  5 PagesLearning Model and Theories in Practice Sheila Morgan Richard R. 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